Monday, October 31, 2011

yet another interview . . .

with Elizabeth Gumport and Chris Glazek of n+1, here and (Part II) here


Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts on Icelandic? Wouldn't you call it a language worth learning and incorporating into your books?


Helen DeWitt said...

I am sure Icelandic is worth learning, and would love to incorporate it into a book if a suitable book occurred to me. (Of course, failure to include a language in a book does not really imply that it is not worth learning.) To tell the truth, I thought I HAD incorporated Icelandic into The Last Samurai until my Norwegian publisher explained, appalled, that what was in the book was Old Norse.

Anonymous said...

If Herman Cain had installed Lightning Rods he would have become President, but - no - he turned that salesman away. "Ridiculous idea," he said. "Simply ridiculous."

"Post-Google" by TAR ART RAT said...

they seem nice-