Sunday, January 25, 2015


While I was in New York Andy Beckerman interviewed me for his podcast series, Beginnings. It's now up, here


  1. I'm a Foreign Service kid (1978-1995 - Manila, Tunis, Arlington, Johannesburg, Paris) and it's always somehow reassuring to hear the experiences of others who grew up this way, especially back when living overseas felt very apart and faraway from the US. I enjoyed your thoughts on language immersion and perception.

    This is the first time I've heard anyone speak about the role of the FS spouse (then, mainly wives, as you mentioned) - learning a new language/culture/city on the ground, moving a household with children every few years, living away from family, efficiency reports (!) - it's usually an unacknowledged position.

  2. I have been a fan of your writing for several years, and have read your blog since around 2009. I am also an occasional caregiver for Edward Tufte's mother. Such a small world. Was wonderful to hear your interview.

