Saturday, October 8, 2011

Readers of pp will have noticed that not much is going on around here these days.  I have been trying to compose answers to various interviews, so whenever I have access to the Internet and might otherwise fritter away time on a post I remember guiltily that I have not yet answered all the questions I have been sent . . .

The good news is that Joey Comeau of A Softer World may be coming to New York -- he says he will take the bus down from Toronto if he can find a sofa to sleep on.    (I was in the Barnes & Noble at 14th Street the other day and saw all three of Joey's books in stock, so maybe we should go down and do an impromptu event.)  If no sofa is forthcoming I may take a bus up to Toronto instead; this would cheer me up.

Meanwhile Elif Batuman has posted a couple of videos of the Lightning Rods reading at the Center for Fiction back in mid-September; one is of the reading, the other of a Q&A with me afterward.  It goes without saying that I think I look and sound extremely peculiar, and need to work on cutting down on nervous fillers (I seem to say 'you know' and 'um' an awful lot), but at any rate it's all here for those who missed it.


  1. Please do let us all know if you come to Toronto! It would be a real pleasure to meet you, as I've toted Ludo around for about a decade, and have converted many a youthful reader to the ways of the Samurai through my enthusiasm for the story. If not, still enjoy reading paper pools. :)

  2. I'll let you know. I'd love to go to Toronto, had a wonderful time there when The Last Samurai came out.

  3. Please don't worry about nervous fillers in your Q & A talks. You sound fine: natural and unrehearsed and honest, thinking as you go. You are not used to this kind of public speaking, but you will be soon and then it will be more comfortable for you. Congratulations on the publication of your new book. We're waiting with great expectations for it to be published here in he UK.
