Monday, May 30, 2011

There have been genuinely religious Abrahamists, but only because they’ve somehow maintained the forms of personal-God religions while having in fact abandoned any such belief. Some people think that men like St Paul and St Augustine are exemplary instances of what it is to possess the religious temperament. It’s easy enough to see why they have this reputation as long as we stick to the sociological understanding of religion: both were brilliant monsters of egotism, and almost all religious belief, considered as a sociological phenomenon, is about self.
This connects to a phenomenon that at first glance seems curious. If we take the term ‘morally worse’ as purely descriptive, denoting people whose characters generally appear to be morally worse than average, and if we restrict our attention to those who have had some non-negligible degree of education, we find that people who have religious convictions are on the whole morally worse than people who lack them. Are the religious worse because they’re religious, or are they religious because they’re worse? The first direction of causation is well known, but it’s the second that is more prominent in everyday life. The religious (sociologically speaking) tend to be religious because religious belief provides them with a framework in which they can handle certain unattractive elements in themselves. In converts – those who take up religion without having been brought up in it, or without having previously taken it seriously – the correlation between religious belief and relative moral badness in the strictly descriptive sense (which is not incompatible with charm) is particularly striking.

Galen Strawson in the LRB on Mark Johnson's Saving God: Religion After Idolatry and Surviving Death


  1. Quite simple riddle, I guess, if you consider religion (any) as kind of ( self-aware or not ) hypocrisy. What any religion concerns is mostly ethics - in short, what religion gives, is always a kind of warning, and legitimizations of sins - no matter how defined, a way of sliding out from responsibility.


    Our big house is whole on fire
    Smoke in tunnels twists ropes
    It's deep, really dark night
    Burning rats escaping from the sewer

    I scream in window my forehead touches glasses
    With deep breath I make a hole in heat
    One seeing me thinks I'm a madman
    What else - he shouts - you dreamed, freaky?

    So I embrace bars, white of their heat
    I see my face in window, cursing
    And right by me my neighbour watches quite interested
    Burning safety jacket he's dressed on

    Smoke in the lock hole, and doors have no handles
    Grout cracks along sweating walls
    I put my tongue in the burning lockhole
    Behind my back someone laughs as crazy

    But most are still sleeping, with smile on their faces
    And who wakes up, denies awakening
    Scream in silenced rooms knows no echoes
    On grills of beds terror keeps the silence

    Those, bounded by smoke from materaces
    Prophete words of their life meaning
    Below our foots floors are glowing of heat
    Rain of red sparkles falls on our heads

    Smoke gets more dense, some stranger jumps in
    And we shivering on most far corner
    This way! - he shouts - Damned you, idiots!
    But we don't want to escape from here

    But we don't want to escape for here
    We scream in madness of anger and servility
    Our big house is whole on fire
    House for treatment of mental and psychic disorder

    original text by J. Kaczmarski, sang by P. Gintrowski
