Monday, June 22, 2009

SS Stats

If policy were set by state-by-state majorities of those 65 or older, none would allow same-sex marriage. If policy were set by those under 30, only 12 states would not allow-same-sex marriage.

From Jeff Lax on Andrew Gelman's Statistical Modeling blog, the rest here.

(There's a terrific graphic, but Blogger has foiled my efforts to import it in a viewable size.)


  1. The politics of it is that delay bodes well for change.

  2. In March, Ariel Levy wrote an article in the New Yorker about separatist lesbians in the 70's. The main subject of the article, a woman named Lamar Van Dyke, remarked at the end of it:
    "'Your generation [Levy is a lesbian] wants to fit in . . . Gays in the military and gay marriage? This is what you guys have come up with?' There was no contempt in her voice; it was something else--an almost incredulous maternal disappointment."

    As you might expect, Lamar Van Dyke is in her sixties now, and Levy is in her thirties. The de-radicalization of homosexuality through the advent of laws allowing gays to marry is definitely a generational change. Van Dyke (who was married to three men before becoming a lesbian) would never have considered marrying a woman.
