Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Owen Hatherley's Militant Modernism can be pre-ordered on Amazon for the staggeringly paltry price of £7.49, £2.50 less than the cover price of £9.99. After the launch date of April 24 the book can be ordered for ten quidish. Commodity fetishists to a person, Paperpools have already put in their pre-order (ja, Mark Liberman, we lurrrrve singular they) despite the wealth of Hatherley commentary available online.

Seriously. I'm dealing with contractual horrors, so not very clever. But this looks like a wonderful book. OH is one of my reasons for clinging to modal realism (there REALLY ARE worlds in which persons genetically identical to me are that smart) ; persons not genetically identical to me, it seems, may yet be that smart (nurture, nurture) if exposed at a sufficiently early age to MM.

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