In Oxford to see my dentist, Roz Tritton. Or rather, in Oxford to see my dentist's hygienist. I would just as soon not make a special trip to Oxford to see a hygienist, but dentists don't like patients who cherrypick - you can't have your teeth cleaned locally and then make special trips to see the Best Dentist in the World.
Went into Blackwell's Language Department. Methuen has produced a series called access accents, developed by actors by accent coach Penny Dyer: they have London (Cockney), American, Geordie, Yorkshire, Welsh and Received Pronunciation. The thing that's odd, of course, is that this is a series aimed at actors who are native speakers but want to master a range of accents - as far as I know there's nothing like it for language learners, though regional accents are one of the biggest obstacles. But it's a fabulous idea; I have bought 4 (London/Cockney, American, Yorkshire and RP). Perhaps I can do something similar for German on Garageband.
And now I am late for my bus, half an hour to get up to Headington.
"American": hmm. What's THAT sound like?
ReplyDeleteAny rite: Fank Gawd yaw back, 'ellene. Oi was going frough papahpools wiffdrawal, Oi was.
That is super-cool, how can there be such a thing?!? Excellent...
ReplyDelete1.I like how Mithridates has so sucessfully channeled Eliza Doolittle, it is rare that you can actually HEAR an accent popping off the page like that.
ReplyDelete2.I second his sentiment(s).
I third the sentiments and raise you three public libraries that have not yet seen Your Name Here and, for good measure, I'll throw in a box of raisonettes.