While in Morocco I got an e-mail from Rose Merrill, an American who does I forget what in Berlin, announcing the book launch of Edy Poppy. According to Ilya, Poppy has been called the Norwegian Marguerite Duras. Her book, Anatomy. Monotony, has been published in Norwegian, Italian and now German. I said I would not be able to make it to the launch but Rose could post the announcement on the blog; I had a shot at making her a contributor, which did not work, so I gave her my password and said she could log on as me.
[It is snowing heavily. First snow of the year.]
I kept checking the blog for the announcement but there was no sign of it. I needed to check something today on Tender Only to One, a blog which is currently under wraps with classified posts in the drafts folder. Shock horror. The Edy Poppy announcement was on the secret blog!
The launch has come and gone, but I have imported the post for German, Norwegian or Italian readers who may want to know more about the Norwegian Duras.
Book launch at FUCHSBAU
a brand new bar at: Planufer 95, 10967 Berlin-Kreuzberg, tel: 030 691 75 95
From 7 pm till you drop ...
Ragnhild Moe (Edy Poppy) invites you to the launch party of her debut novel: Die Hände des Cellisten(original title: Anatomy. Monotony.), by Goldmann Verlag
Rose Berlin will introduce the author, who will read an extract from her book in English.
The actress Nora Linnemann will read an extract in German.
PS: To support the heroine of the book, Vår, we request that all girls and boys with long hair wear braids wrapped around their head or coiled at the side – milkmaid style.
Also: Don’t judge a book by its cover!
Behind Ragnhild Moe is in fact the Norwegian writer Edy Poppy, author of Anatomy. Monotony. for which she received the Gyldendal prize (for best “fucked up” love story). The novel has also been translated into Finnish (Otava) and Italian (Bompiani). However, Poppy feels she has been cheated by her German publisher, Goldmann. Without consulting the author, they changed her title into a cliché and made the cover look cheap and kiosk-like, claiming the original was too shocking for the German sensibility. She says, “It feels like having plastic surgery while asleep and waking up with a face that doesn’t belong to you anymore.”
SO PLEASE COVER IT UP! - As one would do in the old times: putting grey paper over the offensive image to censor pornography.
In collaboration with
Gartenstudio Gallery
Naunynstr. 53
10999 Berlin
tel. 030-22 16 222 97
We ask those of you interested to create your own cover: photographs, drawings... anything goes. Send, hand deliver or e-mail your proposal, from now until the 15th of January, to Gartenstudio Gallery, or to the author herself: edypoppy@hotmail.com. There will be an exhibition of the best entries at the end of January 2008 and publication in a literary art magazine.
Yes, this sounds like great fun, however: suppose I should read the book before attempting a cover image...