Sunday, September 2, 2007


Have just discovered that Wordpress lets you put equations in posts using LaTeX. The FAQ here. They don't support all LaTeX packages, so this is not an unexpected chance to get hieroglyphics into your posts via HieroTeX, but it's still a great deal.

Mellel has just released a new version, 2.2.7, with improvements to the tables (and many other features). Macheads who don't know Mellel should give it a try: Mellel works in partnership with Adobe, and it's the only wp program that gives you Illustrator-quality control over text. You can change the weight, colour and style of stroke, change the colour of fill, change the background, micromanage the baseline, change the weight, colour and style of a range of underlines, overlines and strikethroughs -- it's the only wp program that doesn't drive me berserk by thwarting me every time I have a brilliant idea. It differs from Illustrator (and, for that matter, the unspeakable Word) in being exceptionally good for multi-lingual word processing -- you can do all these thrilling things to text in Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, a vast range of languages. (Syriac. It supports Syriac.) And all this for $49 (or $99 for 5 licenses) -- which is to say that it is probably so ludicrously underpriced people underestimate it. On offer here.


  1. I also use Mellel, too. And also a program called Scrivener which lets me write on a completely blank screen, and is set up perfectly to compare different drafts of the same project.

  2. I also use Mellel. And also a program called Scrivener which lets me write on a completely blank screen, and is set up perfectly to compare different drafts of the same project through the split-window function.

  3. Scrivener does look good. (I have just bought a copy to try it out.)
