Monday, June 18, 2007

Prisons of the World

Thinking of switching to Wordpress, which lets you split a post: when you think the post is turning into War & Peace or Tristram Shandy or Don Quixote or all three you can insert a Read More tag. Readers who do not share your enthusiasm for W&PTSDQ can skip happily on to the next post.

Wordpress will not let you customise templates. Bastards. BASTARDS. While checking out Wordpress, though, I came across this blog on Prisons of the World. Fabelhaft.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, I'm glad I got a copy of the post before you deleted it. Great link!

  3. I meant to repost it with a typo correction, but was informed by Blogger that it couldn't be deleted. Typisch...

  4. You can customise WordPress templates if you use their software on your own server (eg see Philobiblion blog (Natalie Bennett) - when she switched to this system a year or so ago she wrote some good blow-by-blow posts).

    I used to be on Blogger and switched to Typepad because Blogger then did not have tagging. I like Typepad, but it isn't free (though it is very cheap). There are three levels of subscription, all have split posts, the middle one (mine) has some degree of template customisation and the top one (Debra Hamel on the deblog) allows you total freedom. Typepad is in a good phase at the moment, introducing lots of good features.
    Best wishes

  5. I believe Blogger is capable of doing the "after the jump" link too but after reading the instructions several years ago I was stymied and threw up my hands, also I sort of like the way a long column of writing doggedly prevents the reader from seeing whether perhaps there was a post lower down on the page that would suit better...

  6. [reposting the tip from Lee]

    Have a look at this hack for the new blogger templates which enable

    [Thought this looked good.]
